[Emc-users] RPi and the endless saga of SDcard grief.
Greg Bentzinger
2017-05-30 04:37:32 UTC
List users;

I have been a RPI user since the first B version came out. I been through the "Oops the O/s is toast again" routine more than I care to count.

I blame it on very poor choices for the voltage regulator and the choices of the micro USB as a power connector. Arduino scroes an A for using the round type and allowing a higher voltage source (say 9VDC)that could take up slack and small line disturbances.

I now only do a minimalist O/S install on the SDcard and run apps and storage off a USB thumb drive.

However Gene appears to need many gigs (for the HAL files) and wants real Linux file system permissions. No I don't even own a Rpi 3, and documentation for this item is almost as sparse as Orange pi/ up boards etc.

I am suggestion even another Amazon shopping expedition. See

The X800 PCB for RPi adds a 2.5" laptop HDD to the mix. I don't know if you can eliminate SDcards entirely or if you might still need to use one for a bootloader. Having a dozen 2GB sdcards with only a bootloader img will save your recovery times dramatically.

An yeah form what you have described adding this card will yet again cause the enclosure door to not want to close... Pick your preferred poisons.

Greg, Out yonder in Yoder CO.
