[Emc-users] State old, tooltable python traceback
Nicklas Karlsson
2017-07-20 18:55:00 UTC
I get a traceback in hal_glib.py then using gladevcp:
File "/home/karlnick/Prog/linuxcnc-reverse-run-2.7/linuxcnc-reverse-run-2.7/lib/python/gladevcp/hal_glib.py", line 143, in update
if not state_old:
File "/home/karlnick/Prog/linuxcnc-reverse-run-2.7/linuxcnc-reverse-run-2.7/lib/python/gladevcp/hal_glib.py", line 130, in merge
self.old['tool-in-spindle'] = self.stat.tool_in_spindle

Row 143:
if not state_old:
Row 130:
self.old['tool-in-spindle'] = self.stat.tool_in_spindle

Among other things I make programming for a living for about 10 years but still have problem with python. I can not figure out how to keep track of which variables exist, what is supposed to be in them, not even the type of data expected to be stored in variable. I could see in file there are objects with member functions but have no idea to get a clear picture of program structure. Could anyone help figure out what might be wrong?