[Emc-users] more advice needed
Gene Heskett
2017-06-25 21:18:50 UTC
Greetings all;

I just about have my g33wrapper.ngc working again, but I see several
problems because I used fixed values for some of the variables, derived
by successive approximations. Not good for versatility should I want to
carve some of Andy's threads. :)

I want it to be universal, but I am not there yet.

Those I need to sort, but first I need to fix in my mind things like
which edge of the threading tool should be doing the cutting, leading
edge always or trailing edge always?

Trailing edge seems to work but did seem to cause a medium frequency
judder as the cut got deeper. This I think may be in the spindle
bearings & I need to remove a thou worth of shim in the front bearing as
its running 10F cooler than the rear ATM after 10 minutes at around 1600

Worst case rise is about 35F over room. I am told that is expected from
bronze bearings. And I'd imagine some of it is not metal to metal drag,
but oil viscosity in that thin a film. So the 10W non-detergent may get
replaced by 5w-20 synthetic.
It sure works wonders in the small yard engines and standby generators
about the place, allowing them to be started by pull string on the first
pull in zero F weather.

The oil consumption has also been cut by very noticeable amounts, that
12.5hp in my rider is burning very little compared to the fixed 20w with
5w30 in it, and it starts instantly even in snowplow weather. On the 20w
I'd be adding a pint about every other time I mowed. On the 5w30, in 2
years, I still have half the makeup quart I bought left.

Is there any reason I should not use modern oils in this lathe?

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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