Kirk Wallace
2017-01-31 23:37:31 UTC
A lathe showed up on my doorstep (almost). A friend called up and said
"I've got a lathe in my trailer and I want to know if I can bring it by
today." I guess he knows me well enough to know that I could not refuse.
I have had it a couple of days and I took some time to scrape the first
layer of grime off of it and take some pictures.
One of the control panels indicates it is a Samson TD-1336 (13" x 36")
and that it was made in Taiwan in 1982. It looks like a common Chinese
lathe offered by Grizzly or Harbor Freight. It doesn't have a lot of
wear, but has been abused. The back gears are stripped, the cross slide
has been crashed into, the spindle and chuck have been hammered on
It's too early to have a firm plan for this machine, but I'm thinking
that I would like to convert it to:
- 2hp 3 phase motor, VFD, belt drive, encoder (remove everything down to
the spindle shaft)
- Servo, ballscrew and encoder for Z (remove change gear and feed
- Servo, ballscrew and encoder for X (remove cross slide and apron)
- replace missing tail stock
- regrind spindle D1-4 surfaces
- regrind chuck surfaces
- maybe replace spindle bearings if they show hammering damage
- of course add LinuxCNC controller
"I've got a lathe in my trailer and I want to know if I can bring it by
today." I guess he knows me well enough to know that I could not refuse.
I have had it a couple of days and I took some time to scrape the first
layer of grime off of it and take some pictures.
One of the control panels indicates it is a Samson TD-1336 (13" x 36")
and that it was made in Taiwan in 1982. It looks like a common Chinese
lathe offered by Grizzly or Harbor Freight. It doesn't have a lot of
wear, but has been abused. The back gears are stripped, the cross slide
has been crashed into, the spindle and chuck have been hammered on
It's too early to have a firm plan for this machine, but I'm thinking
that I would like to convert it to:
- 2hp 3 phase motor, VFD, belt drive, encoder (remove everything down to
the spindle shaft)
- Servo, ballscrew and encoder for Z (remove change gear and feed
- Servo, ballscrew and encoder for X (remove cross slide and apron)
- replace missing tail stock
- regrind spindle D1-4 surfaces
- regrind chuck surfaces
- maybe replace spindle bearings if they show hammering damage
- of course add LinuxCNC controller
Kirk Wallace
Kirk Wallace