Right now I design away from Ethernet within machine because with my computer and switches and it does not work perfect. Whatever the reason is I simply can't do anything about it.
Post by Chris AlbertsonModern Ethernet does not have a collision problem. It uses a switched
topology. All of the cables are point to point. One end is on your device
the other is on a switch. The switch has enough performance and bandwidth
to drive all cables at full wire speed.
The switch adds very little latency. Modern switches (if they can) do not
buffer the entire Ethernet packet as the older first generation switches
did. They now will read the packet header and pick off the "to" address
then cut the bits over to the correct outbound cable.
For sending data to 18 different motors, Ethernet would work fine, Use a
24 port switch.
I have a small robot arm that is controlled by 7 channels of PWM. I use a
single chip device that has 16 PWM output pins and uses i2C input. Cost is
under $5 It would be easy to use two of these chips but the resolution is
poor I can control the PWM duty cycle only to about one part in a
thousand. The over the bus protocol is defined by the chip maker and I
have no choice but to use that.
On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 12:04 AM, Nicklas Karlsson <
Post by Nicklas KarlssonPost by Chris AlbertsonIf Ethernet is "complex" then PowerLink is "very complex" as it is a few
layers over top of Ethernet.
Is there a list of requirements some place? What are the end points,
processes that run on a CPU of some kind.
I've been doing this kind of work for ages but you can't select anything
without a detailed set of requirements
It is rather simple to send or receive via UDP/IP or TCP/IP for example
via Ethernet. UDP/IP is one way packets. TCP/IP send acknowledge which add
bandwidth requirement in the opposite direction. To make sure packets
within a particular time period may however be harder.
Then sending point to point over an ordinary serial channel like UART or
SPI data usually arrive practically instantly and there are no collisions.
UART or SPI is also very cheap. Software for simple point to point may also
be very simple. A bus have huge advantages then it come to number of nodes
but there may be collisions.
Even though collisions are a small problem to make it work perfect during
periodic communication may be surprisingly hard while for a simple serial
channel it is no problem at all.
Regards Nicklas Karlsson
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Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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