Post by Jon ElsonPost by Tom EasterdayShould the backlash parameter in the .ini file be positive or have
the sign of the input_scale (aka encoder scale)? I don't see
anything in the docs regarding this but did find a brief forum post
that suggested it should have the same sign. I haven't tested it,
but am wondering if someone knows...? If it should follow encoder
scale this should be documented methinks...and since it is now
ambiguous should probably be documented regardless.
I believe it should always be a positive number.
That has always been my experience too, but I have never changed the sign
of an encoders 'scale' since my use has been restricted to spindle
controls except for my handwheels on this Sheldon lathe conversion.
The only thing I've found "odd" feeling is that because its all setup
assuming a positive thread on the x screw, the encoder crank then turns
ccw to advance the cutter into the work. The natural tendency is an
acclimated thing because most x drive screws are left hand threaded. So
at first it felt backwards,
But I am getting used to it because the markings on the dial are such
that a ccw turn from zero to say 89, if the dial scale is gain set
at .001" per "click" and its currently touched off to the actual
measured diameter, which is lets say 11 thou from the targeted size, its
as easy to turn it 11 thou in either direction to get to the desired
size, so I pretend its a right hand threaded screw, and turn it 11 thou
ccw, or to .x89 on the dial. OTOH, I've been accused of being odd most
of my life. ;-) I think it would be a one character change in the right
place in the .hal file to reverse that.
BTW, I got another of those sub confirmation requests for the -devel list
today from srcforge. Anybody else?
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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